(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)

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关灯 护眼 舒适     字体:

rry’r r, dur fyr.

he sd ” s h.

r 4


d, tbby.

everyt drd d, r drve d d up .

“ looked ld ju rd, lked d urd rg it .”

“t.” dr, ever, .”

“d y f ll’rry k f e y, y e.”

“te.” drd re fg t , d d wnd!”

“d y sd ”

“ kid!” drd, differe h ”

“ kid, td rry dke u d or e r, y skin.”

“ ju ry y t v, never ruer k.”

re reer everyth’ve hrh.

dr fo y, rry td h wr.


he h d.

th, d re r le, . e d e e .

ly rry.

ed dred f ve s.

y, rry er td s

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